We are committed to maintaining a safe, friendly, and harmful content environment. We want to make it easy for our users to inform us when anything is against our Content Policy in order to facilitate this.
Community members can privately notify our Moderators about any harmful information by using our Content Takedown Form.
If you come across any content that violates our rules, report it and avoid interacting with it in any other way. Do not save any content in violation of our rules.
How to Report Rule Violations
- Select the image you wish to report.
- Click on Report, located in the upper right corner of the information screen, next to Clone.
Enter necessary information:
After clicking Report, a form appears. Please provide a detailed explanation for why you are reporting the picture in this manner. Write the Reason for Takedown. Please be explicit in your reason for requesting a removal. - Complete the form and click Submit after filling out all required information. This directs our moderation staff to evaluate your report. The procedure is private, and our staff will immediately and fully review the report.
By following these steps, you help keep our site safe and respectful for everyone.
For more details pertaining to our content policy, review our Community Guidelines for a detailed summary of all of the types of content that are considered to be in violation of our ground rules.