If you've been stuck on a specific queue position for a long time or receive the 'Queue capacity exceeded' message, your generation has been stuck on 'Pending' without a queue number, or 'Generating' for more than 2 minutes on Turbo-queue, then try the following fixes in this order to start generating images again:
- On the Create page, click 'Share' and open a new window using the generated URL. Then in the new tab, click 'AI Generate' to start a new generation with the same settings.
- Switch browsers OR use Incognito Mode to access our website.
- Clear your cache or localstorage.
- Close the website and try again in a few minutes.
- Check if you have other generations running in other tabs and wait for this generation to complete before continuing. We only allow one tab to be open at a time.
If none of these solutions work, then please submit a ticket to us here: https://createaiart.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new